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STARTUP IMIDA Seed Treatment is a proven, foundation insecticide seed treatment which can be applied across a diverse range of crops for reliable insect control, including thrips, aphids and soil pests. The systematic activity and relatively low rate of application makes it user-friendly for many complementary seed treatment blends.

Always read and follow label directions. All products, UPL and the UPL logo are trademarks of a UPL Corporation Limited Group Company.

All other products are trademarks of their respective companies. ©2024 UPL Corporation Limited Group Company. 24-UPL-1549

Additional Product Details

All Crops
  • Adzuki bean
  • Asparagus bean
  • Bean dried
  • Blackeyed pea
  • Borage
  • Broad bean (Fava bean)
  • Canola
  • Carrot
  • Chickpea
  • Cotton
  • Cowpea
  • Crambe
  • Durum wheat
  • Fall barley
  • Fall oat
  • Fall wheat
  • Field corn
  • Flax seed
  • Garden pea
  • Grain lupine
  • Grain sorghum
  • Green bean
  • Green pea
  • Guar
  • Jackbean
  • Lentil
  • Lima bean dried
  • Lima bean succulent
  • Millet
  • Mung bean
  • Mustard seed
  • Pea dried
  • Pigeon pea
  • Popcorn
  • Potato
  • Processing pea
  • Rapeseed
  • Rye
  • Safflower
  • Sorghum (Milo)
  • Soybean
  • Spring barley
  • Spring oats
  • Spring wheat
  • Sugar beet
  • Sunflower
  • Sweet corn
  • Sweet lupine
  • Triticale
  • White lupine
  • Winter barley
  • Winter oats
  • Winter wheat
All Pests & Diseases
  • Aphid
  • Bean leaf beetle
  • Billbug
  • Bird cherry-oat aphid
  • Black cutworm
  • Cabbage seedpod weevil
  • Chinch bug
  • Colorado potato beetle
  • Corn leaf aphid
  • Corn rootworm
  • English grain aphid
  • Flea beetle
  • Grape colaspis
  • Grasshopper
  • Green bug
  • Greenbug
  • Hessian fly
  • Imported fire ant
  • Leafhopper
  • Lygus
  • Lygus bug
  • Mexican corn rootworm
  • Net necrosis
  • Northern corn rootworm
  • Potato leafroll virus
  • Potato psyllid
  • Potato yellows
  • Root aphid
  • Russian wheat aphid
  • Seedcorn maggot
  • Southern corn leaf beetle
  • Southern corn rootworm
  • Southern green stink bug
  • Soybean aphid
  • Thrips
  • Western corn rootworm
  • White grub
  • Whitefly
  • Wireworm
  • Yellow sugarcane aphid
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