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RIMON® Insecticide is a broad-spectrum larvicide and ovicide with long residual control that’s ideal for your integrated pest management program. Rather than attacking fully grown insects like most insecticides, the active ingredient in RIMON goes after eggs, larvae and nymphs while remaining easy on beneficials.

Always read and follow label directions. All products, UPL and the UPL logo are trademarks of a UPL Corporation Limited Group Company.

All other products are trademarks of their respective companies. ©2024 UPL Corporation Limited Group Company. 24-UPL-1549

Additional Product Details

All Crops
  • Apple
  • Apricot
  • Azarole
  • Balsam apple
  • Balsam pear
  • Bean dried
  • Bearberry
  • Bell pepper
  • Bilberry
  • Bitter melon
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cauliflower
  • Cavalo broccolo
  • Chayote fruit
  • Chile pepper
  • Chinese broccoli (Gai lon)
  • Chinese cabbage (Napa cabbage)
  • Chinese cucumber
  • Chinese mustard cabbage (Gai choy)
  • Chinese quince
  • Chinese waxgourd (Chinese preserving melon)
  • Citron melon
  • Cloudberry
  • Crabapple
  • Cranberry
  • Cucumber
  • Currant
  • Edible gourd
  • Eggplant
  • Elderberry
  • Fresh market tomato
  • Gherkin
  • Gooseberry
  • Green bean
  • Groundcherry
  • Highbush blueberry
  • Huckleberry
  • Japanese quince
  • Kohlrabi
  • Lingonberry
  • Loquat
  • Lowbush blueberry
  • Mayhaw
  • Medlar
  • Melon
  • Muntries
  • Muskmelon
  • Naranjilla
  • Nectarine
  • Non-bell pepper
  • Okra
  • Oriental pear (see Asian pear)
  • Partridgeberry
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Pepino
  • Plum
  • Plumcot
  • Potato
  • Prune (Prune plum)
  • Pumpkin
  • Quince
  • Seeded tomato
  • Strawberry
  • Summer squash
  • Sweet cherry
  • Sweet corn
  • Sweet potato
  • Tart cherry
  • Tejocote
  • Tomatillo
  • Transplanted tomato
  • Watermelon
  • Winter squash
All Pests & Diseases
  • Alfalfa looper
  • Armyworm
  • Asian cockroach
  • Bagrada bug
  • Bean leaf beetle
  • Bean plataspid
  • Blackheaded fireworm
  • Blueberry flea beetle (larvae)
  • Blueberry maggot (fly)
  • Blueberry spanworm
  • Brown marmorated stink bug
  • Cabbage looper
  • Cabbage webworm
  • Caterpillars
  • Cherry fruit fly
  • Cherry fruitworm
  • Chilli thrips
  • Codling moth
  • Colorado potato beetle
  • Corn earworm
  • Cranberry blossomworm
  • Cranberry fruitworm
  • Cranberry tipworm
  • Cucumber beetle
  • Diamondback moth
  • Dipterous leafminer
  • Drosophila
  • European corn borer
  • European leafroller
  • Eyespotted bud moth
  • Flea beetle
  • Flea beetle (larvae)
  • Fruit fly
  • Fruittree leafroller
  • Grasshopper (nymph)
  • Gypsy moth
  • Imported cabbageworm
  • Lacanobia fruitworm
  • Leaf-feeding caterpillars
  • Lepidopterous leafminer
  • Lesser peachtree borer
  • Looper
  • Lygus
  • Lygus bug
  • Melonworm
  • Mexican bean beetle
  • Obliquebanded leafroller
  • Oriental fruit moth
  • Pandemis leafroller
  • Peach twig borer
  • Peachtree borer
  • Pear psylla
  • Pepper weevil
  • Pickleworm
  • Plant bug
  • Plum curculio (larvae)
  • Potato psyllid
  • Potato tuberworm
  • Redbanded leafroller
  • Sap beetle
  • Southern cabbageworm
  • Spanworm
  • Sparganothis fruitworm
  • Spotted fireworm
  • Spotted tentiform leafminer
  • Spotted wing drosophila
  • Squash bug
  • Stink bug
  • Sweetpotato leafminer
  • Thrips
  • Tomato fruitworm
  • Tomato hornworm
  • Tomato pinworm
  • Tufted apple budmoth
  • Variegated leafroller
  • Vegetable weevil
  • Webworm
  • Western flower thrips
  • Western tentiform leafminer
  • White apple leafhopper
  • Whitefly
Quick Facts


Unique mode of action (IRAC Group 15)

Active ingredient attacks eggs, larvae and nymphs

Long residual control of a broad spectrum of insects

Ideal for resistance management




Application rates and timing for pome fruit (excluding pears)

(Eyespotted, tufted apple)
20–40 fl oz

For each generation, make an application at the beginning of egg hatch.

Codling moth 20–40 fl oz (Eastern USA)

20–50 fl oz (Western USA)

For all generations, best protection is achieved when applications are initiated at the beginning of oviposition. RIMON 0.83EC Insecticide must be applied prior to egg deposition or shortly thereafter to prevent codling moth damage to fruit.

Apply RIMON 0.83EC Insecticide at the following timings:
First Generation: Begin applications at 50–100 DD from biofix or 225–275 DD from January 1. Note: Biofix is defined as the date of first sustained adult catch in pheromone traps — typically five moths in three traps in a seven-day period.
Second Generation: Begin applications at 1,000 DD from biofix or 1,175 DD from January 1. Follow with subsequent applications at approximately 14–17 day intervals, if sustained moth pressure is high.

20–50 fl oz

Begin applications when the majority of eggs have hatched and larvae are in the first to third instar stages.

(Spotted tentiform, Western tentiform)
15–40 fl oz

Application timing for leafminers varies between species and geographic locations. Monitor the moth flights and treat at egg hatch for each generation.

Leafrollers (European, fruittree, redbanded, variegated 20–40 fl oz

For control of the surface or foliar feeding leafroller larval complex, application can be made at any time larvae are feeding. However, most effective crop protection results from application made at the initiation of egg hatch.

Leafollers (Obliquebanded, pandemis) 20–50 fl oz (Eastern USA)

30–50 fl oz (Western USA)

Apply RIMON 0.83EC Inseticide treatments at the following timings:
First Generation: Begin applications during pink to petal fall period.
Second Generation: Begin application targeting 20% egg hatch.

Oriental fruit moth 20–40 fl oz

Begin applications before egg hatch of each generation to prevent larval penetration of the fruit.

Plant bug, white apple leafhopper 20–50 fl oz

Populations of immature stages of plant bugs and/or white apple leafhopper may be suppressed with applications of RIMON 0.83EC Insecticide. RIMON 0.83EC Insecticide will not control adults of these pests due to its mode of action.

Stink bug spp.* including brown marmorated stink bug 20–30 fl oz

Apply when adults are first detected. For adult control, tank-mix with an adulticide.

The degree days (DD) listed in the above application instructions are based on biofix dates for specific target pests. If your growing region uses a different DD or biofix model, or no model is available, consult local cooperative extension, professional consultants or qualified advisories to ensure the proper timing for the intended target pest.

Best protection is achieved when applications are initiated at the beginning of egg oviposition.
RIMON 0.83EC Insecticide will provide up to 14 days of protection depending on the application rate and rate of foliage growth and fruit expansion.
Repeat applications as needed to protect new foliage growth and fruit, but not less than 10 days apart.
Use the higher rates and shorter application intervals for heavy infestations or under continuous pest pressure.
For situations of heavy infestations and continuous moth flight and egg oviposition, and where it is difficult to obtain thorough coverage, use the highest labeled rate and maintain coverage with timely reapplications at 10- to 14-day intervals.
Do not apply more than 150 fl oz per acre per season.
Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.

RIMON 0.83EC Insecticide may be alternated or tank-mixed with other insecticides targeted against the same pest as long as the application interval does not exceed the period of effectiveness of the alternate product.

*Not registered for use in California


Application rates and timing for stone fruit (including apricots, sweet and tart cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums and prune plums)

Fruit flies
(cherry, W. cherry, Drosophila spp. including spotted- wing drosophila*)
20–40 fl oz

Begin applications when adults are detected in the orchard, or after 950 degree days (DD) from March 1.

Adult females will deposit nonviable eggs after contact with, and feeding on, treated foliage and fruit, providing control of eggs and larvae. For adult control, tank-mix with an adulticide.

Thorough coverage is needed to achieve optimum effect. Spray volumes below 100 GPA are not recommended. Do not make alternate row treatments.

Leafrollers (obliquebanded, pandemis) 20–50 fl oz (Eastern USA)

20–50 fl oz (Western USA)

Control of leafrollers is best when applications are timed against early (first to fourth) instar larvae.

Apply RIMON 0.83EC Insecticide at the following timings:
First Generation: Begin applications during the pink to petal fall period.
Second Generation: Begin application targeting 20% egg hatch.

Leafrollers (European, fruittree, redbanded, variegated) 20–40 fl oz

For control of the surface or foliar feeding leafroller larval complex, application can be made at any time larvae are feeding. However, most effective crop protection results from application made at the initiation of egg hatch.

Lesser peachtree borer* 20 fl oz

Apply in a tank mix with either a pyrethroid or phosmet after April 1 and again in 2–4 weeks.

Oriental fruit moth 20–40 fl oz

Begin applications before egg hatch of each generation to prevent larval penetration of the fruit.

Peachtree borer* 20 fl oz

Apply in pre-harvest applications to cultivars ripening after July 1.

Peach twig borer 20–40 fl oz

Dormant/delayed dormant: Apply RIMON 0.83EC Insecticide with 4–6 gallons per acre of narrow range oil.
Always use the higher rates if the orchard has a history of heavy populations.

In season: Monitor orchard from bloom onward for shoot strikes at the end of each generation. Shoot strikes first appear when the degree-day accumulation from moths in traps approaches 400 DD50 but more will be evident around 700–800 DD50.* If larvae or their damage are observed at this time, make application in sufficient spray volume for thorough coverage.

Sap beetle* 20 fl oz

Apply in a tank mix with adulticides to help effect egg hatch.

Stink bugs,* including brown marmorated (immature) 20–40 fl oz

Apply when thresholds are reached. For adult control, tank-mix with an adulticide.

The degree days (DD) listed in the above application instructions are based on timing for specific target pests. If your growing region uses a different DD or biofix model, or no model is available, consult local cooperative extension, professional consultants or qualified advisories to ensure the proper timing for the intended target pest.

Best protection is achieved when applications are initiated at the beginning of egg oviposition.
RIMON 0.83EC Insecticide will provide up to 14 days of protection depending on the application rate and rate of foliage growth and fruit expansion.
Repeat applications as needed to protect new foliage growth and fruit, but not less than 7 days apart.
Use the higher rates and shorter application intervals for heavy infestations or under continuous pest pressure.
For situations of heavy infestations and continuous moth flight and egg oviposition, and where it is difficult to obtain thorough coverage, use the highest labeled rate and maintain coverage with timely reapplications at 10- to 14-day intervals.
Do not apply more than 150 fl oz per acre per season.
Do not apply within 8 days of harvest.
RIMON 0.83EC Insecticide may be alternated or tank-mixed with other insecticides targeted against the same pest as long as the application interval does not exceed the period of effectiveness of the alternate product.

*Not registered for use in California.


Application rates and timing for strawberries

Corn earworm
9–12 fl oz

Apply when the majority of the population is at egg hatch to the second instar.

For lygus, apply when adults are observed in the field and just prior to egg hatch. Optimum control will be achieved with the 12 fl oz/A rate.

Thrips (Western flower, chili, etc.)* 6–12 fl oz

Apply when thrip populations begin to build.
For adult control, tank-mix with an adulticide.

Asian cockroach* Sap beetles* 6–12 fl oz

Apply when adults appear and prior to egg hatch.
For adult control of all life stages, tank-mix with an adulticide.

Spray with a sufficient volume of water to ensure thorough coverage of fruit and leaf surfaces.
Repeat applications as needed to protect new foliage growth and fruit, but not less than 7 days apart.
Do not apply more than 36 fl oz per acre per season (0.23 lb ai per acre per year).
Do not apply within 1 day of harvest.

*Not registered for use in California.


Application rates and timing for potatoes/sweet potatoes

Colorado potato beetle
European corn borer
Foliage feeding caterpillars
Potato tuberworm
Sweet potato leafminer
6–12 fl oz

Apply when the majority of the population is at egg hatch to the second instar. Use higher rates and higher spray volumes when larvae are large, or foliage canopy is tall or dense. Repeat applications as needed to protect new foliage growth, but not less than 7 days apart.

Whiteflies 12 fl oz

Apply when the majority of the population is at egg hatch to the second instar. Use higher rates and higher spray volumes when larvae are large, or foliage canopy is tall or dense. Repeat applications as needed to protect new foliage growth, but not less than 7 days apart.

Potato psyllid* 12 fl oz

Apply on preventative basis or when first evidence of zebra chip disease and/or live psyllids are detected in the growing area. Repeat application at 7- to 14-day interval or alternative with an adulticide product for optimum control.

Do not apply to successive generations of Colorado potato beetle.
Do not apply more than two application against whiteflies per season.
Do not apply more than 24 fl oz per acre per year (0.16 lb ai per acre per year).
Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
For application to potatoes through irrigation systems, refer to the label.

*Not registered for use in California.

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