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Metribuzin Sulfentrazon METRIBUZIN + SULFENTRAZONE

PREVIEW™ 2.1 SC herbicide combines a powerful 2:1 ratio of metribuzin and sulfentrazone in a novel SC (liquid) formulation to deliver a highly efficient weed control foundation with exceptional crop safety. PREVIEW 2.1 herbicide controls the most resistant broadleaf weeds at the beginning of the season, and its residual power offers control of later germinating target weeds, eliminating the next generation of resistance by reducing seed production of resistant weeds.

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Quick Facts

Unique 2:1 ratio of metribuzin to sulfentrazone

Controls resistant broadleaf weeds including Palmer amaranth and waterhemp

Highly versatile and novel SC (liquid) formulation

Excellent crop safety


Contains a unique 2:1 ratio of metribuzin to sulfentrazone, providing effective residual control of the toughest broadleaf weeds.


Can be used successfully in a fall burndown, pre-plant or pre-emergent application program.


When applied pre-emergence, demonstrates significantly less crop response than other residual pre-emergence products.


Compatible with a wide range of tank-mix products, so you can tailor fit a tank-mix that addresses your specific weed profile.


Premix combination reduces handling and packaging. Concentrated, low use-rate SC (liquid) formulation is easy to handle and offers excellent mixing, stability and tank-mix compatibility.

Research results indicate versatility of the pre-emergence activity of PREVIEW 2.1 herbicide in various cropping systems. Superior control is demonstrated on weeds prior to emergence. Appropriate burndown herbicides should be tank-mixed with PREVIEW 2.1 herbicide and label-recommended adjuvants for control of emerged weeds.


Fall, Early Pre-Plant, Pre-Plant Incorporated, Pre-emergence Conservation or Conventional Tillage
Broadcast Rate - Fl Oz per Acre*
% Organic Matter**
Soil Texture*** 1.0–2.0% 2.0–4.0%
Coarse 11–14 14–21
Medium 14–21 18–23
Fine 18–23 21–26

* Use the higher rate for suppression of grasses and sedges.
** DO NOT apply to soils with less than 1% organic matter.
*** Refer to the information on soil types under the SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART.

Adverse crop response can occur on soils with pH greater than 7.5. To reduce adverse crop response, use a maximum of 11 fl oz of PREVIEW 2.1 herbicide on soils with pH greater than 7.5.

State Registration https://us.uplcorp.com/product_sections/u2QDAXjmCGEuC9ITUyF5BypIBy1l0t1J7TdpgZLp.jpeg
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