Top Crops
All Crops
- Almond
- Apple
- Asian pear
- Azarole
- Chinese quince
- Crabapple
- Japanese quince
- Loquat
- Mayhaw
- Medlar
- Pear
- Quince
- Tejocote
Quick Facts
- KINOPROL is a novel active ingredient in FRAC Group 52
- Excellent rotational product for increased efficacy and reduced resistance development
- Provides lasting systemic, residual protection
- Easily tank mixed with other FRAC groups and has a short pre-harvest interval (PHI)
- Provides a wide application window, allowing extended flexibility for bloom spray timing in almonds
- Apple Timing: Applications should start at green tip. Critical timing for powdery mildew and scab control is at tight cluster.
- Pear Timing: Applications should start at pink stage. Critical timing for powdery mildew and scab control is at late green cluster.
- Almond Timing: Bloom – 14 days pre-harvest.
- Use rate:
- Almond: 4.0 – 5.0 fl. oz./Ac
- Pome: 2.25 – 3 fl. oz./Ac