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Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

At UPL, the safety and wellbeing of our workers are paramount. We have robust systems in place to monitor and evaluate employee health and safety. Regular health inspections and audits help us identify and address any potential risks or hazards in the workplace. We continuously strive to enhance safety measures and conduct regular training sessions on various topics, including behavioural and operational aspects, to ensure our workers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to always prioritise safety.

“Safety First – Always & Every time” is the motto of our company, consistent with our commitment to Sustainability as safety is the foundation of a sustainable enterprise. As an enterprise, we are responsible for adhering to the goal of Zero Harm for our Permanent and contractual employees as also to ensure safe operations in all the geographies and communities we operate in.

We have developed an Occupational, Health, and Safety (OHS) policy that complies with all the requirements related to occupational health, safety, and environmental standards. Our OHS policy extends its coverage to all our permanent and contractual employees and our suppliers worldwide.

UPL’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) :- UPL's OHS policy

Objectives of our OHS Policy

Objectives of our HSE Policy

Safety Culture Transformation Journey

UPL partnered with the professional agency SWASYA, an agency having track record of transforming safety culture within various companies, to conduct a diagnostic study, which included a Safety Climate Survey and interaction with key stakeholders including shopfloor employees. This study aimed to benchmark our position with our Indian and global peers. Based on the findings of the diagnostic study, we embarked on a full-fledged Safety Culture Transformation journey, with SWASYA providing guidance and support to address the identified areas of improvement and enhance our safety culture. The two-year Safety Culture Transformation journey commenced on April 1st, 2022. The figure below depicts the steps of the culture transformation journey.

Safety Culture Transformation Journey

UPL OHS Activities

Chemical and industrial disasters at manufacturing plants are not inevitable. At UPL, we emphasize ‘zero tolerance’ as an ongoing standard in disaster prevention. However, human errors, operational dimensions and the availability of relevant information during various disaster management phases have emerged as critical concern areas as well. Starting with manufacturing plants, prudent decisions comprising site selection, public participation in clearance, industrial layout planning, disaster mitigation, and on-site and off-site environment co-ordination strengthen our comprehensive disaster management framework at the local and district levels.

Organized Committees

To ensure safety for employees, we have organized committees that are dedicated for handling of environment and welfare for employees. The initiatives directed towards the human welfare, environment response and mutual aid are taken care by the respective committees through various activities conducted round the year. Apart from the regular CSR activities the company also creates programs for welfare and environment preparedness

- Mutual Aid

- Environment Response Team

- Environmental Care for Human Welfare

Safety Audit Team

We have a separate safety audit team that takes responsibility of the safety compliance in all units. A dedicated construction safety manual is designed that continually improves safety standards and practices to achieve construction safety excellence.

Transporters Meet

The company is arranging periodic transporter meet & also arranging training for transport crew, thus ensuring safety during transportation of hazardous chemicals.

Safety Training

Each operating shift commences with a 10-minute discussion on safety aimed at enhancing process integrity. Each project goes through HAZOP studies before commencement. All plant­setting changes are first cleared by the HAZOP team before being implemented.

1000 man-days of Safety trainings conducted

Outdoor Safety Training Centre (Infrastructure)

The outdoor safety training for all employees are carried out at UPL's Nahauli Farm House where employees engage in a five day industrial safety camp.

Training & Demonstrations to Other Industries

The company frequently engages by conducting demonstrations in the area of disaster preparedness conducted by the factory inspectorate during the National Safety Day celebrations.

In-house training to all employees

The safety department conducts training for all employees and contract on safety related issues.

Process Hazard Analysis

A detailed Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) system is in place for new as well as existing plants. For new plants we have adopted 4 stage analysis methodologies. For existing plants, cyclic PHA system is adopted once in a 3 years from the baseline PHA. We repeat the process of PHA under various instances like a process incident, change management (technology type) more than five times etc. PHA of all identified critical processes is carried out every year. All the types of changes are routed through proper process hazard analysis system.


The ERT members are selected in such a fashion that minimum 8-10 members are available in each shift except small units to combat with any environment if arises. Bimonthly training is imparted to all ERT members by our own ERT mentors. More emphasis are given on practical training rather than class room training. A full scale mock drill is conductedonce in a quarter at each of our units.

UPL has an Environment Response Team(ERT) at every unit.


We have a safety committee which has been constituted as per the guidelines of the Factories Act, 1948, comprising of a minimum of 50% representation from the non-management workforce. We ensure complete compliance and adherence with all applicable laws, and always strive to go beyond the minimum acceptable threshold of compliance with legal obligation. In order to maintain highest levels of safety, we have implemented Health, Safety & Environment Management Systems (HSEMS) which are periodically reviewed by the board level HSE committee. This has helped us to increase safety awareness and occurrences throughout our locations and foster a safety culture in the workplace. We are striving to weave the safety performance with business sustainability, by strengthening our Risk Management and Process Hazard Analysis which enable risk mitigation and environment planning to impede any incidents.


FTSE4G00D Logo ISO 9001 Logo ISO 14001 Logo ISO 45001 Logo

UPL is a certified logo holder of International Certifications (FTSE4GOOD, ISO 14001, Responsible Care, ISO 9000 and ISO 18001) for demonstrating strong environmental, social and governance practices.

Responsible Care Committed Company Responsible Care Logo

Responsible Care is a global, voluntary initiative developed autonomously by the chemical industry for the benefit of the chemical industry. This initiative runs across 52 countries accounting for nearly 90% of the global chemical production. UPL is a recognized Responsible Care ompany, awarded the use of its logo. We voluntarily adopted the practice codes of the Responsible Care (RC) initiative accepted by Indian Chemical Manufacturers’ Association and implemented the ISO - 14000 (Environmental Management System), demonstrating our commitment towards continuous HSE performance improvement.

Safety Management & Practices at Manufacturing Sites

- HSE Issues are always given high priority at UPL.

- A committee of HSE Officers has to monitor Health, Safety and Environment Preparedness standards and practices.

- This is to ensure that our HSE management systems are world class and we achieve zero incidences at the work place. We realise that as a world leader in manufacturing, we need to put safety & health systems in place.

- We partnered with Dupont, Syngenta to evaluate HSE management systems across all manufacturing sites. This exercise was spread over three months and the evaluation study has opened up new avenues for improvement.

- Our aim is to graduate from the present dependent HSE culture to an interdependent culture.

- An inter-site benchmarking is done regularly to encourage healthy competition between sites.


Environmental Online Parameters

Source: UPL Sustainability Report 2022-23.pdf


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