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Fenhexamid Fenhexamid

ELEVATE® 50 WDG Fungicide offers excellent disease control and resistance management characteristics. Use ELEVATE for effective control of Botrytis cinerea in grapes and strawberries, Monilinia in almonds and cherries, and Uncinula necator in grapes. Primarily a protective fungicide, ELEVATE also provides post-infection activity when applied early in the disease life cycle.

For a full list of crops and application directions, refer to the product label.

Always read and follow label directions.

Additional Product Details

All Crops
  • Andean blackberry
  • Arctic blackberry
  • Bingleberry
  • Black cherry
  • Black currant
  • Black raspberry
  • Black satin berry
  • Blackberry
  • Boysenberry
  • Brombeere
  • Buffalo currant
  • California blackberry
  • Capulin
  • Cherokee blackberry
  • Chesterberry
  • Cheyenne blackberry
  • Common blackberry
  • Coryberry
  • Darrowberry
  • Dewberry
  • Dirksen thornless berry
  • Elderberry
  • Evergreen blackberry
  • Ginseng
  • Gooseberry
  • Grape
  • Highbush blueberry
  • Himalayaberry
  • Huckleberry
  • Hullberry
  • Lavacaberry
  • Loganberry
  • Lowberry
  • Lowbush blueberry
  • Lucretiaberry
  • Mammoth blackberry
  • Marionberry
  • Mora
  • Mures deronce
  • Nanking cherry
  • Native currant
  • Nectarberry
  • Nectarine
  • Northern dewberry
  • Olallieberry
  • Oregon evergreen berry
  • Peach
  • Phenomenalberry
  • Rangeberry
  • Ravenberry
  • Red currant
  • Red raspberry
  • Rossberry
  • Shawnee blackberry
  • Southern dewberry
  • Strawberry
  • Sweet cherry
  • Tart cherry
  • Tayberry
  • Youngberry
  • Zarzamora
All Pests & Diseases
  • Botrytis bunch rot
  • Botrytis cinerea
  • Brown rot
  • Gray mold
  • Monilinia
  • Monilinia blossom blight
  • Monilinia twig blight
  • Shoot blight
Quick Facts
  • Control of gray mould (Botrytis cinerea) in grapes, many berries, and ginseng
  • Control of brown rot (Monilinia spp.) in peaches, cherries, and nectarines
  • Unique mode of action shows no known cross-resistance with other commonly used fungicides
  • Minimal impact on environment and no impact on most beneficial insects
  • Rainfast shortly after application

50% water-dispersible granule

Fenhexamid – 50%

Crop Disease Rate (kg/ha) Application Timing
Botrytis cinerea (Gray mould) 1.7 (0.85 kg ai/ha) Apply as a foliar spray every 7 days or when conditions favour disease development, with no more than 4 applications per year. Begin applications at 10% bloom. Can be applied up to 1 day prior to harvest.
Strawberries* Botrytis cinerea (Gray mould) 1.7 (0.85 kg ai/ha) Apply as a foliar spray every 7 to 14 days or when conditions favour disease development, with no more than 4 applications per season. Begin applications prior to disease establishment and no later than 10% bloom. Can be applied up to 1 day prior to harvest.
Bushberries: Blueberries, Currants, Elderberries, Gooseberries, Huckleberries Botrytis cinerea (Gray mould) 1.7 (0.85 kg ai/ha) Apply as a foliar spray and continue at a minimum of a 7-day interval, with no more than 4 applications per year. Begin applications at 10% bloom stage. Can be applied up to 1 day prior to harvest.
Grapes Botrytis cinerea (Bunch rot) 1.12 (0.56 kg ai/ha) Tank mix with AGRAL® 90 at 0.02% v/v and apply as a foliar spray, with no more than 3 applications per season. Begin applications prior to disease establishment or when conditions favour disease development at early bloom, bunch pre-closure, veraison to two weeks after veraison, and the final application up to 7 days of harvest.
Ginseng Botrytis cinerea 1.7 (0.85 kg ai/ha) Apply as a foliar spray at 10 to 14 day intervals, with no more than 4 applications per season. Begin applications prior to disease establishment, when conditions favour disease development. Can be applied up to day of harvest.
Peaches, Nectarines, Cherries Monilinia spp. (Blossom blight, Twig or Shoot blight, Brown rot) 1.7 (0.85 kg ai/ha) Apply as a foliar spray and continue at a minimum of a 7-day interval, with no more than 4 applications per season. Blossom blight: Initiate applications during the prebloom to early bloom stages. Twig or Shoot blight: Apply during the late bloom to petal fall stages. Brown rot: Apply 14 days to 1 day before harvest. Can be applied up to 1 day prior to harvest.

*In Strawberries: For Botrytis and leaf spot control, ELEVATE 50 WDG Fungicide may be applied in a tank mix at a rate of 1.2 to 1.7 kg/hectare (0.56 to 0.85 kg ai/hectare) with the recommended rate of MAESTRO® 80DF Fungicide.

Keys to managing disease resistance.
Avoid making more than two consecutive applications with the same active ingredient in ELEVATE Fungicide. After the second application, use an alternative fungicide for two consecutive applications before reapplying ELEVATE. Consult your local crop advisor for appropriate alternative products.

Unique active ingredient Fenhexamid penetrates the cuticle of plant tissue, creating a protective barrier that helps prevent Botrytis infection by inhibiting spore germination, germ tube elongation and mycelia growth

Unique mode of action differs from other fungicides and shows no known cross-resistance to other commonly used fungicides

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