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ProNutiva Logo

Integrated crop health solutions to meet the needs of today’s growers.

ProNutiva® is an exclusive program that integrates natural biosolutions (bioprotection, biostimulants and bionutrition) with conventional crop protection products to meet or exceed the real-world needs of today’s growers.

The integration of biosolutions with conventional plant protection products answers the latest challenges in agriculture by:

- Supporting sustainable agricultural practices

- Improving grower economics

- Meeting evolving food chain requirements


ProNutiva® is an exclusive program that integrates Natural Plant Protection - Biosolutions (Bioprotection, Biostimulants and Bionutrition) with crop protection products to meet or exceed the real-world needs of today’s growers.

The new era in crop protection has dawned.

ProNutiva programme is much more than combining individual crop protection products and biosolutions. Interactions between biologicals and conventional AIs are real and go beyond the current expectations of individual product performance. It offers better resistance and residue management, enhances crop protection and targets higher yields and better quality.

ProNutiva: Crop Establishment

ProNutiva offers complete crop protection and helps in achieving better quality and higher yields year on year. It is all about applied crop health expertise at each critical growth stage, starting from the crop establishment.

ProNutiva: Managing Resistant Weeds

Watch this video to know more about how ProNutiva, the best plant health solution offers you better control over resistant weeds and a rise in profits through better yields. Learn from the experts as they share their knowledge about using ProNutiva.

ProNutiva: Residue Management

Learn more about appropriate residue management and enhancing yields for high profits with ProNutiva. Get expert guidance regarding the use of specific products that will help crops to realize their genetic potential fully and give larger yields with minimum residue.

ProNutiva: Stimulating Plant Growth

Watch this to know how ProNutiva promotes maximum genetic potential of the crop and mitigates stress factors like soil problems, climatic changes, pest attacks and diseases. Listen carefully and learn the secret of cultivating better crops with the help of ProNutiva.

Sustainable Agriculture- ProNutiva program

A ProNutiva program is intended to cover plant needs throughout the season or at a specific development stage of the crop.

ProNutiva Biosolution

Application includes separate or combined applications of biosolutions and crop protection products via seed treatment, in-furrow, fertigation or foliar spray

ProNutiva Aims In New Developments For Crop Protection

Pronutiva Manage Resistance Manage resistance and residues

Pronutiva Enhance Crop Protection Enhance crop protection

Pronutiva Target Higher Yield Target higher yields

Pronutiva Target Better Quality Target better quality

Growers in Italy, Brazil, Poland, Hungary and Germany where trials have been undertaken in a variety of crops and fruits like grape, apple, sugarcane, soybean, wheat have achieved spectacular results in weed and pest control

  • Less Toxic report less incidence of phytotoxicity
  • Less Stress less stress in days of high temperature
  • Residue lower residue level in spite of high effectiveness
  • Better Quialty better yields marked by better quality, size and colouration
Success Stories
Brazil ProNutiva Success Story
Brazil Flag

ProNutiva Proves its Value Across Crops in Brazil

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Brazil Second ProNutiva Success Story
Brazil Flag

Hasegawa Group, Brazil, the largest producer of vegetables in the country, has implemented the ProNutiva programme as it sought the Global Gap Certification - ‘the ISO of agriculture’ for physiological and nutritional management.

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Brazil Thrid ProNutiva Success Story
Brazil Flag

Confidence in ProNutiva -- By Regis Young, Technical Manager, VVALEN Group, Brazil

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Italy ProNutiva Success Story
Italy Flag

ProNutiva Benefits Proven in Italian Grape Trials

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Hungary ProNutiva Success Story
Hungary Flag

ProNutiva Project Underway in Hungary

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Poland ProNutiva Success Story
Poland Flag

Testimonials on ProNutiva with Key Stakeholders in Apple (Poland)

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